We also share information about your use of our website with our social media, advertising and analytics partners. We use cookies to personalize content and ads, provide social media features, and analyze the use of our website. This helps us measure the effectiveness of our marketing campaigns. Experience a terrifyingly intense co-op campaign for up to four players in this gut-wrenching sequel to Steam best-seller, Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army. Parachuted into Berlin amidst the Germans’ final stand, your mission is to prevent Nazi V2 rocket program technology from falling into the hands of the besieging Red Army. Microsoft Advertising uses these cookies to anonymously identify user sessions. Sniper Elite V2 is an award-winning and authentic World War II sniping experience. In the dark days of the end of World War 2 amidst the ruins of Berlin, one bullet can change history. It also serves behaviorally targeted ads on other websites, similar to most specialized online marketing companies. There's no sneaking up on a zombie or trying to get through an area without being detected. The Facebook cookie is used by it's parent company Meta to monitor behavior on this website in order to serve targeted ads to its users when they are logged into its services. Gone are the stealth elements and deliberate pacing of the original Sniper Elite V2. Google will use this information for the purpose of evaluating your use of the website, compiling reports on website activity for us and providing other services relating to website activity and internet usage. The purpose of Google Analytics is to analyze the traffic on our website. Assassinate the Führer - Sniper Elite V2 DLC - Killing Adolf Hitler (Nazi Leader) TheRelaxingEnd 9.08M subscribers Join Subscribe 3. Security (protection against CSRF Cross-Site Request Forgery) Stores login sessions (so that the server knows that this browser is logged into a user account) which cookies were accepted and rejected). Sniper Elite V2 Sniper Elite: Nazi Zombie Army Sniper Elite III Zombie Army Trilogy, Sniper elite, game, emblem, text png PNG tags PNG info Online resize png. Storage of the selection in the cookie banner (i.e. being associated with traffic metrics and page response times. Random ID which serves to improve our technical services by i.e. Server load balancing, geographical distribution and redundancy Sniper Elite: Zombie Army 4 Exclusive Gameplay (Having fun while the Devs Watched) CenterStrain01 Centerstrain01 327K subscribers Join Subscribe 8.