Don't forget this partners with Rule Four: Cite your source! All posts must be a completed pattern done on fabric with thread. All bots are banned unless the bot provides exceptional value to /r/CrossStitch.
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Linking to your blog/shop are okay in the comments if you are providing a source for your, answering a question, or providing a pattern for free to the community.

Include the pattern source in every FO post.Any patterns in the background of photos must be obscured/blurred/unable to read. Patterns should not be in any photograph unless asking for help on how to read a zoomed in portion.

Don't request, share, or post photos of copyrighted patterns.This resource has everything, including pattern making programs, apps & websites, finishing techniques, and how to get started. Read the FAQ & How To before posting a question.Be supportive, welcoming and kind Exercise good reddiquette.🎁 Free Pattern: Previous Month's Pattern Posted 🎁 Cross Stitcher Gift Guide Rules 🏆 Monthly Competition Submission and Voting A lot is happening, stitchers! Here's a summary of what to look out for each month.